Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The summer is over and it’s back to teaching.  I am in my 12th year of teaching elementary Physical Education.  Each school year I feel like it’s a chance for a new beginning.  I was asked today to select one word. That word is suppose to drive me.  I can be  a person that takes forever to make a decision.  I pondered on that single word...this is what came to me: 


      Why this word? It’s for me personally and to remind myself that the people I come in contact with have dreams. That dream might be something small or it might be SO big it  seems so out of this world that it seems like it will only be a dream.  Regardless, I want to do anything I can to help someone either believe in their dream or to help them reach it.  People come into your life for a reason, you just have to be centered to see the reason why.  So, this school year my one word is “DREAM.”  

Take a way treasures....
  1. What is your “one word?” 
  2. What will you do to live that word? 
  3. Take a look at the website where this came from. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Life as a mother during contest prep....

       I started this journey on summer break.  I am blessed to have the balance of being a working mom and a stay at home mom in the summer. I am blessed , but I had to work hard to get to that place.  In my early twenties I worked full time and went to college.  There were many nights where I'd live on less than 4 hours of sleep. It was well worth it, because my dream at the time was to graduate from college.  During that time I did compete in the NPC in fitness and after college I did my round in bodybuilding. I took a loooong break to finish grad school and to start a family.  Which brings me back to my point of do you ever wrestle with the "mom guilt?"  Yes, that feeling of not doing enough, not doing it perfect, or not doing things like that mom over there. Well we can live like that or we change it. This is a constant battle.

Let me tell you my day yesterday.
 4:30 did my  cardio session
8:00 packed our kids up for Vacation Bible School

8-11 volunteered at Vacation Bible School (I'm not perfect for sure, prayed for God to use me the right way with my group of little ones)

12 Took our kids out for a soft pretzel, which is a huge treat to them.  You know though they had to eat their Boar's head lunch meat first.

1:00 Doctor's appointment to find out my blood type and white blood cell count, because it has been on the lower side for the past couple of years. I did my blood type because my coach asked me what it was to help configure my nutrition.

2-430 Park where our kids played lots!

Home for a home cooked dinner. It really is a whole family thing to live healthy and to allow a few treats or ordering out in moderation.

5:45 Gymnastics for our daughter

7:00 Hit a double workout session of lifting at the gym

8:30 Grocery store to get more sweet potatoes

10:00 emailed my coach about my schedule and did a check in

This IS NOT to brag about how wonderful I am, but to show you that life still happens even when you are on a journey like this. Am I nervous about handling it all?  Of course!!! Tomorrow I'll share a post about how to ease that. Come back, please and check it out.

Anyhow, at the gym I am sure someone was judging me for brining my kids to the play area.  But let me tell you it's like Chucky Cheese to them.  I went for an hour, didn't talk, didn't socialize...just lifted. The whole time though you wrestle those thoughts of being a better mom.  Look people have their releases to get centered. I've heard people say crafts, knitting, pinning on Pinterest, hanging with the girls, games, and even drinking. I always have had it where I need to move and sweat.  It just rejuvenates me.  So, if I feel rejuvenated after working out that makes me better for my family. I go to get them at 8 and another mom and I are standing there waiting for our kids.  We look at each other and laugh, because we hustle to get them and find ourselves waiting.  They are having so much fun they don't want to leave.  The woman and I have a discussion about the whole "mother guilt," and I think we both made each other feel better to know that we are not the only ones.  As ironic as it is our two daughters had been playing together.  The girls asked to come back again and play. Hence, the feeling of guilt was lessened. Just another little gift from above.

Lasting tidbits....
What do you do to get re-centered?
Do you have a goal that you are reaching for?

Pray, train, eat, sleep

Sunday, August 10, 2014

3 Action Steps for week 2.

          As I write this I am sitting outside waiting to get my little ones from their friend's house. It's a blessing to be enjoying my tea and having time to reflect on my work. There is a lot of detail that goes into this, but I also need to keep my "why," in check.  In this blog I am writing about  three action steps that must take place in order for me to succeed in doing all the work that is required. While keeping my family life balanced and full of love.

1: Journal. Though I am on the up and up with technology and apps I still like to use a pencil to write my schedule down.  I feel like that is the time I am the most creative and  can clearly see everything without distractions.  When I write for this blog I first write it on the iPad without wifi and then copy, paste it later. Admit, how easy is it to click over to Facebook or any other social media platform?  (Major time sucker) My Saturday night was spent planning  the upcoming week, because it is Vacation Bible School, my hubby is back at it with high school teaching and football season, our little guy's pre- season wrestling begins, and our little girl has gymnastics. Lots to schedule, but we love it this way.  Sharpen that pencil and get a planner.

2. Dig deep into love. What??? I say when I hear things three times it is for a reason. My daily devotions by Joyce Meyer is on "love," the church service today was on "love," and believe it or not the new book I am reading is on none other than "love." I get it God! I think with personal challenges it is easier to overcome and find the joy in it when you love others. In each day that you arise think of one way to show someone that love does exist amongst this hurried, shallow world, often filled with selfishness ,that joy IS still here.

 Enough sappiness, where is the hardcore material?

3. Quietly do the work.  Ok, we all have that "friend" who has to shout it from the roof top that they are training right and eating right 24/7. Breaking my phone just a day ago made me humbly realize that I have a lot more time on my hands.  We went to church, reorganized my kids' rooms and got the clothes all sorted for school, and worked out twice in one day.  I enjoyed just doing daily things without posting it on Facebook, Instagram, the list goes on. There is a way to inspire and share, but looking up might be a good change.  There is a video on YouTube about that, amazing! A must watch. I will continue to blog my journey and post the link to it, but I won't post  everyday that I am #crushingit #killingit #beastmode #the list is infinite for working out tags (don't mind those that do).

I hold close to my heart by Dr. Seuss

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"

End of week 1, start of week 2

Pray, train, eat, sleep

Thursday, August 7, 2014

NPC Figure....a new journey to grow the soul

      I know January is long time ago, so thank you for coming back.  A lot has been going on since then. My dreams have changed from running, to lifting, to competing.  I am embarking on a 12 week journey to the stage for figure in the NPC this November. This blog will change a bit in perspective over the next few months.  Training for marathons and training for a figure competition are on two different sides of the spectrum.  Yet, one thing these two have in common is dedication.  If you have been following me on Instagram (trurunner), Pinterest (Randyandkima Spaulding) , or Facebook/YouTube (Fitness by Spaulding) you know I believe in dedication.

         In May I ran my fall half marathon time of a pace of 8:20.  That race was held one year after I lost my young cousin to breast cancer.  I trained for that race with all my heart, because that was my celebration of her life.  I have learned the hard way that you only have one chance at life and fear cannot hold you back.  If you want something bad enough you have to get down and pray about it.  My working out and running have always been deeper than just appearance and race times.  Some get it and some don't.  I don't have time to talk about it to convince people of the deeper reasons why. Though, I do have time to show them. After the half marathon in May, I knew I wanted to go back to the NPC.  I held onto running as long as I did after, because I had an awesome running partner.  Running will always be there, but I knew in my heart the time was right to get out of my comfort zone.  Mainly, because I was too comfortable with running and when that happens you feel  your energy being drained.  Going after something new revives you. Lord knows revival is important as a mother!

          Even with my belief of dedication, the support and knowledge of my husband, we felt I needed a coach.  The competition scene is filled with "coaches," but I am old school in some views. That led us to contacting and investing in Brian Smith. Click here to see Brian's incredible website Knowing him from the gym back in Randy's days of competing and looking at his site we knew this was the right fit.  You have to jive with your coach and be able to trust what is individually designed for you.  Trust, another character trait that is huge in my life.

        I hope you will read, watch the videos, and stop by on social media to see how it is going. Please keep in mind as I share this journey with you I hope that you will share back on how you are making your dreams come a reality, too.

Pray, eat, love, train, sleep