Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Which flavor of Shakeology???

        I get asked  a lot about the flavors of Shakeology. So, I took the time to compare the 3 non- vegan formulas.  I have used the Greenberry, chocolate, and the newer vanilla.  I can’t say that any one of the flavors tastes bad.  I think you have to go off of what are you looking to do with it.  If you are pressed for time the point is we like chocolate, but if you are curious keep reading.  I hope that you are curios. 

The chocolate is the most substantial calorie wise, because it has 160 calories, but the extra calories comes from the 3 extra grams of fiber.  If you been following the “newer” craze in nutrition for the Fiber35.  Take it easy when increasing your fiber to be nice to your system.  Please let me note though that if you were into the body building phase in the late 1990’s fiber was already “in,” because it kept you fuller longer.  Now, though the media promotes it more as a “detox.”  Either way getting the fiber in your nutrition is good for your health, but maybe that doesn’t sell as well as “You will look good and lose weight.”  Due to my hubby needing a lot more calories than me, we routinely stick with the chocolate. It is actually a small meal replacement for him when he mixes it with almond milk and PB2.  As for me I like my 12 ounces of water and and a few ice cubes.  I’ll make it for myself with almond milk (the 30 calorie flavor) when we are going to be at wrestling meets for along period of time or if I have done a 10 plus mile run. Finally, it has 6 grams of sugar, not 7. I know call me OCD, but I feel very successful with my nutrition in a day when My Fitnesspal shows a left over number in the sugar counts. I know the label states it is (non- GMO fructose) so it isn’t just white table sugar.  Still though, one less gram of sugar can add up over the week to 7 less grams that I would take in. My very good friend and chiropractor is a stickler on sugars, even if it comes from fruit. My joints have felt much better since I have watched the sugars I take it.  Those little sugar grams are sneaky. I love sweet potatoes, but only adding cinnamon means I take in 5 grams of sugars for 20 grams of carbs, which is a 100 gram serving of cooked steamed sweet potatoes. Yes, I use a food scale because a serving of carbs can be very misleading.  As you continue to read we use Shakeology, but it is added into a well balanced way of eating. Don’t you just love those people who are all like “I use this and this was my transformation!!”  That is why people experience the “rebound” effect or the “yo, yo,” effect of ineffective weight loss.  Which is a totally different topic for another blog. Our goal is to feel good, so that we can perform to our best. I hope that you share that same goal. 

As for the other 2 flavors, I like to switch it up in the spring and summer.  If you have ever read anything about eating for the seasons it is good to change things up eating wise.  Somehow, the greenberry and vanilla seem more refreshing and you can add in fruit to make it more like a smoothie.  I don’t mind upping my fruits when I am logging 40 plus miles in a week.  That way I replenish with good nutrients to keep inflammation down. It also keeps me away from the peanut butter.  All three flavors do contain the 4 super blends which each have their purpose.  What got me with Shakeology is  the propriety super green/ phytonutrient blend.  Have you ever taken down just a greens blend?? Well, let me tell you it is probably the worst tasting thing, but I took it for a year just straight before I found Shakeology.  The reason why was because my close friend lent me the book called, “Alkaline or Die.”  It is written by a doctor and once again it came out before the craze hit the market and changed it to a weight- loss diet. The greens help keep your pH level where it needs to be.  Yes, you can test your pH. I will let you figure out how.  Side note is the natural stores sell the strips, but you can get for those cheaper at the science store.  I read that book 2 summers ago and it totally changed the way I viewed eating for health, not looks.  If you don’t like chocolate as much I would opt for either the vanilla or the green berry. 

As you read through my bog, follow me on our FaceBook page (Fitness by Spaulding), youtube (Fitnessbyspaulding), or Instagram (Trurunner) you will see the common theme.  We train and eat for performance and our well- being.  There is a much deeper level of meaning behind our intensity and consistency.  This gets lost now a days with the selfie’s, the transformations, and how women are deemed to be “fit.” A truly fit and strong woman has respect for her body, a sense of privacy, and a sense of class. As you set out on your journey for 2014 make it for the right reasons and everything falls into place.  

Pray, train, eat, sleep

Friday, December 27, 2013

Gluten- free individual apple pies

      As I am preparing my individual apple pies in the kitchen, my hubby walks in and asks, “Are you sure these are going to turn out?”  I answer very confidently with “Yes, I saw it on Facebook.”  He looks very reassured at this point.  In my head I am pondering I do not have a recipe I just the the picture so if it is a bust, at least I attempted.  Isn’t that true about so many aspects of life??  

So, here is what I did: 
1 tub of Gluten Free Pie and Pastry Dough from Pillsbury (My mom gave me this tub, she totally gets how I am about my food) 

2 Honeycrisp apples, washed and sliced with my Pampered Chef Apple Slicer 

1 tablespoon of Earth Balance Butter 

1 tablespoon cinnamon (I love cinnamon, it has super natural powers of fat burning I believe) 

1 1/2 teaspoon sugar (you could substitute with stevia, but I wanted my children to eat these) 

1st: Roll out the dough, which my review is incredible because it was not to crumbly and such a time saver than making it from scratch for gluten -free. 

2nd: After you slice the apples, roll one apple slice in a piece of dough.  Just enough to totally cover it. If you can still see the apple add a tad more.  Don’t you like how specific I am...ok maybe the dough was about a 1/2 inch thick around the apple.  Like a pie crust thickness. 

Place these on parchment paper as the oven is pre- heating to the 425 degrees, double check the container for the oven temperature. 

3rd: Melt the butter in the microwave in increments of 10 seconds, until melted. 
Add in the cinnamon and sugar and mix. 

4th: Cover each apple pie with the mixture, I used about a 1 teaspoon on each one. 

5th: Place in oven for 10 minutes, then check the softens of the apples.  If the apples aren’t soft yet add increments of 2 minutes, as not to burn the crust.  Cooking with gluten- free recipes the time can be very unpredictable. 

Let these cool off and enjoy a nice healthier version of an apple pie. 
My children ate them with a small serving of ice cream, all in moderation.  
My hubby was glad I didn’t set off the fire alarm. 

Pie crust link

Pray, train, eat, sleep 