Sunday, August 10, 2014

3 Action Steps for week 2.

          As I write this I am sitting outside waiting to get my little ones from their friend's house. It's a blessing to be enjoying my tea and having time to reflect on my work. There is a lot of detail that goes into this, but I also need to keep my "why," in check.  In this blog I am writing about  three action steps that must take place in order for me to succeed in doing all the work that is required. While keeping my family life balanced and full of love.

1: Journal. Though I am on the up and up with technology and apps I still like to use a pencil to write my schedule down.  I feel like that is the time I am the most creative and  can clearly see everything without distractions.  When I write for this blog I first write it on the iPad without wifi and then copy, paste it later. Admit, how easy is it to click over to Facebook or any other social media platform?  (Major time sucker) My Saturday night was spent planning  the upcoming week, because it is Vacation Bible School, my hubby is back at it with high school teaching and football season, our little guy's pre- season wrestling begins, and our little girl has gymnastics. Lots to schedule, but we love it this way.  Sharpen that pencil and get a planner.

2. Dig deep into love. What??? I say when I hear things three times it is for a reason. My daily devotions by Joyce Meyer is on "love," the church service today was on "love," and believe it or not the new book I am reading is on none other than "love." I get it God! I think with personal challenges it is easier to overcome and find the joy in it when you love others. In each day that you arise think of one way to show someone that love does exist amongst this hurried, shallow world, often filled with selfishness ,that joy IS still here.

 Enough sappiness, where is the hardcore material?

3. Quietly do the work.  Ok, we all have that "friend" who has to shout it from the roof top that they are training right and eating right 24/7. Breaking my phone just a day ago made me humbly realize that I have a lot more time on my hands.  We went to church, reorganized my kids' rooms and got the clothes all sorted for school, and worked out twice in one day.  I enjoyed just doing daily things without posting it on Facebook, Instagram, the list goes on. There is a way to inspire and share, but looking up might be a good change.  There is a video on YouTube about that, amazing! A must watch. I will continue to blog my journey and post the link to it, but I won't post  everyday that I am #crushingit #killingit #beastmode #the list is infinite for working out tags (don't mind those that do).

I hold close to my heart by Dr. Seuss

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"

End of week 1, start of week 2

Pray, train, eat, sleep

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