Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Practice, makes you better.

"Mom, can we leave early to work on my sit ups?" This is what my 6 year old asks over dinner before we all leave for wrestling practice.  When he asked it just made me glow inside.  It wasn't a picture perfect story  of how we got to that question.  I learn from my kids as much as they learn from me.

At the beginning of the season at a practice B had lost a live wrestle with his partner, so in return he had to do 10 sit ups.  This was the first time he was asked to do this by someone else.  I sat there and watched him struggle to even get one sit up. This challenge brought on a determination like I haven't seen before in him.  All other physical quests,  even riding on 2 wheels never brought this side out in him.  B set the goal that he wanted to get 5 sit ups before wrestling ended.  We set a plan to practice at least 3 times a week aside from his other activities.  This is what spurred on his question.

You really have to model what you want your children to be.  If I don't walk the talk then I am devaluing what I have to say.  If you make fitness and health a priority for yourself, do the SAME for your children.

Some may think that being a mom gives you less time, but in reality it just makes you use your time more wisely.  I love being an example of a healthy lifestyle for my family.  I love showing them that if you work hard and stay focused you can achieve to become better. It is even better when I see them enjoying a healthy lifestyle and good habits.

You got your workout in, did your kids?

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