Monday, December 3, 2012

There is this thing called "Life."

 My week assessment in review:

Having blogged about my plan and getting some texts about it has helped me stay on track. I appreciate it when people take time to visit and read.  Even more so for the  messages that follow.  People are busy and time is the most important thing you can give someone. This was reiterated by my husband's forwarded email from Diesel Strength & Conditioning.  It was titled "50 Ways to Achieve Greatness in Your Life."  On the list of 50 was number 10:
10. When you're talking to someone, listen to them very carefully as if that is the last time you'll ever hear their voice again.

That hit the soul for me and totally reminds me about what it means to give someone your time. So, thank you.
 My week assessment in review:

Having blogged about my plan and getting some texts about it has helped me stay on track. I appreciate it when people take time to visit and read.  Even more so for the  messages that follow.  People are busy and time is the most important thing you can give someone. This was reiterated by my husband's forwarded email from Diesel Strength & Conditioning.  It was titled "50 Ways to Achieve Greatness in Your Life."  On the list of 50 was number 10:
10. When you're talking to someone, listen to them very carefully as if that is the last time you'll ever hear their voice again.
 Click here to read the complete list

That hit the soul for me and totally reminds me about what it means to give someone your time. So, thank you.

My 1st Week Reflection from11-26-2012

Sunday through Wednesday were rocking! Right on track and all work outs in.  Consistent with using "Lose It," for tracking my food.  I am more focused on my nutrient breakdown of the ratio of carbs to protein.  Mainly, due to the decrease in my extra long cardio sessions of running 10 plus miles.

Then on Thursday I woke up early and made it to the "Express," gym.  It is quite small there, but a quick drive for during the week.  Selecting a place can be very effective based on travel time, even if it is a bit subpar.  All was well and my children & I were both at school on time.  This is a major achievement of my days!

A few moments before lunch my cell phone went off.  It was my 1st grader's school calling saying he was sick and needed to go home.  I got everything into place to leave.  Thanks to the wonderful and organized people I work with.  Once I got there clearly the flu bug had hit. Off to home we went.

Life happens and for those of you who have other responsibilities it can be difficult balancing all of the unexpected. I made it, literally just made it through a quick Friday workout.  This was after pretty much an all nighter taking care of my son.  I knew I was going to be tired, so why not just feel good for a bit.  Those workouts are more for my mental push, than physical. Friday I just grabbed a couple packets of shakeology and I was out the door to school.  I had 2 choices: 1- fall of the track completely or 2- readjust.
What do you choose to do in those situations?

Saturday my son was back to feeling better the fever broke, so I thought I would run out for my workout when everyone was sleeping.  I went to the "fancy," gym.  Ya know pool, sauna, and all the latest cardio machines.  Now, being a mother I do use my I-Phone when I workout.  I ignore all contacts, unless it is my hubby.  Well, wouldn't you know it my text goes off, "bring home medicine." I checked in and I knew to finish up.  I deviated  and added some small light plyos.  Still working around my neck, but even small light stepping plyos got the heart rate up. Before you judge someone for being on their phone, you don't know what they are taking care of. They only truly know if it is appropriate to be on that phone during a workout.

Changes for the week of 12-3-2012
All remains the same, but I adjusted a bit. I changed some workout exercises due to the upgrade in membership for multiple locations.  I will spend this week writing about specific workouts, this is week 3 for doing these, but week 2 for increasing weight without logging during workouts.  If you have more questions about that send me a message.

My soon to be 5 year old is asking constantly to go to gymnastics.  I can't complain about that.  Tuesday night is the only night.  There went my 20 minutes of cardio.  No biggie, this week I will add 5 minutes to each cardio session to readjust.  Thursday night I have to get ready for my daughter's small get together for her birthday on Friday night.  No biggie again, I will hit legs a little lighter and make it a total of 90 minutes of cardio verses 50, to make up the 40 minutes.

I love being a mother and even if you aren't life happens for everyone. By that I mean schedule challenges happen regardless of age or roles in life.  Take time to re-evaluate and adjust, instead of getting discouraged.

Off to begin week two.  Make your week incredible!

Click here to read the complete list

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