Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sunday's Cardio with a Recipe for a Yummy Gluten Free Soup

Sunday Cardio Workout:
My 6 year old son and my hubby who coaches B's IKWF team must be at the matches by 7 am.  This means two things I need time for a workout and to make coffee.  I do love my coffee! There is research that supports the positive effects of coffee. My effective and focused cardio session is as follows for the 4 weeks:

45 minutes total (Here is one addition of 5 minutes from Tuesday nights new schedule change.)

20 minutes on the StepMill (I crank it to level 19, which keeps my heart rate at about 150 bpm for the average)
This is my time to read a self - help book, which I will write about later this week. So stay tuned for which book and why.
I get in 3/1 minute intervals of skipping a stair with a kick back of the opposite foot. This mimics a lunge and a glute - kick back.  If you read my Versa Flexx entry you already know I am a huge fan of kickbacks.

Then off to the treadmill for 25 minutes for more cardio.
.25 miles is walking at the highest incline. I found the Free Motion treadmill that inclines to 30%. This made the switch to the "fancy" gym well worth it.
.75 miles is running at a 1% incline. Slower pace still averaging 150 bpm for heart rate.
This is for 2 miles. Then to finish the 5 minutes I walk backwards at 2.8 mph at a 2.5 % incline. I  Hold onto the rails tight and I don't recommend this for anyone. That is a try at your own risk.  I have been doing that since this awesome, good looking trainer told me about it,  13 years ago. He (aka my husband now) coached me on how it helped to develop the hamstrings. The things you are willing to try when you are young and in love.  I bet my hubby is blushing as he reads this. Lol!

Back to being serious I prefer this type of cardio plan for this day, because it makes me sweat and at the end I feel like I pushed it.

Look at your workouts in a week.  Do you have at least one workout in a week where when you are finished you are dripping with sweat but you find yourself smiling? I am happy for you if yes! If not, get to working everyone can do it!!

To leave you with a quote from the amazing Steve Prefontaine :
"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."

Get your sweat on!

Bonus- Here is quick recipe from Sunday's  cooking with my little girl.

Quick Recipe in a Pressure Cooker
2 all natural (gluten free chicken bouillon cubes)
8 cups of water
Bring this to a boil on the stove

Wash and cut the following

Add the vegetables and broth to the pressure cooker.

Close it up and set the timer for 20 minutes.

Total time about 45 minutes to a fresh warm vegetable soup that is gluten free.

This could be done in a crock pot, just allow more time for cooking.

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