Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A 4 Week Back Workout Plan

Tuesday's Back Work Out
The game changer for getting a "V-Taper," back is pull ups.  A v- taper helps to accentuate a smaller waist.  On the deeper meaning it feels flippin' awesome to be able to pull your body up to a bar.  The stronger I feel physically, the stronger I feel mentally.  I feel that having the strength to do pull ups also benefits my running posture.  I wasn't a naturally strong girl.  At 20 I could not do any pull ups.  I wanted to but I didn't possess the strength then. After my first fitness competition the judges told me to get more of a v- taper.  Experiencing such a big loss at the time, I was determined to get those pull ups.  Three years later for my second round of shows, I got 10 pull ups.  My back had become much more developed.  This ended with a much better placing!

As to my running the strength has helped me to achieve my personal best and averaging 7:03 min miles for 5k's.

The mental strength I have had to over come are endless and this blog isn't big enough for me to write about all that (smile.)

In short-
1:  Don't  over look the girl who isn't doing a pull up
2: Be willing to make modifications
3: Be the person who is always getting stronger, because your ego doesn't mind "modifications."

How to get it done:
I did a lot of heavy weights with no cheating on form on the lat pull down.  I used the assisted pull up machine and I had a lot of "failed," attempts at just 1.  Then I got it and I wasn't looking back.

Now for my current back workout:
All done for 4 sets reps pick from the range of 8-12 depending on weight.

lat pull down / core twist with med ball
Rest, repeat 4 times

Mid cable row/ standing bosu ball knee raises
Rest, repeat 4 times

Hypers with ab curl machine
Rest, repeat 4 times


I do my pull ups on a separate day so I can hit lats strong and two times a week.

My thought of the day...
Enjoy the simple things in life.


  1. This Is Great Advice. Yu Would Think That You Were Just Naturally Stronq.

  2. This is motivation for when I work out next time. Thanks! -Cheyenne Banks

  3. BreAnna, Thanks for the thought...hard work and lots of time in the gym. Along with learning how to properly fuel my body for workouts has gotten me this way. Always looking to getting strong though :)

  4. Cheyenne, good to hear. Hope you have an excellent workout next time! What did you do for your last workout?

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