Thursday, December 6, 2012

Motivation with a Plan...

"I get bored doing cardio on a machine." I have heard that so many times and I believe it is the mindset.  If you think that way, that is the way it will be.

When I run obviously reading isn't an option.  I make sure to get the right play list going and I just pull up on my ipad my current favorite page of Oxygen Magazine and get to work.  Intervals make the time go by fast, still using my GymBoss Timer for that. So running or walking on the treadmill isn't so boring for the colder, darker mornings.

The stepmill (the one that is like an escalator) and I have become quite good friends.  I get my heart rate going with little impact.  This is still pretty crucial for my neck.  Have you ever had an x-ray of your neck?  All I can say is fascinating! Anyhow, I  set the goal for time and then I get to stepping.  I keep my music down low, because I have been into reading a new book.  This is the one I told you about earlier.  It is titled "Motiv8N' U," 8 Core Tips That Will Give You the Strength To Lead A Healthy, Motiv8N' Lifestyle by Staci Boyer. AMAZING!  I read one chapter a day and the quotes inside of it just light you up.  Some quotes are by the author and some from incredible people that impacted society in such positive ways.  You can be told the same thing over and over again, it is just about the timing of when it will click to be applied.  I relate to the author, because she is married and has 2 children.  In addition to that I had the opportunity to see one of Staci's presentations at the Naperville P.E. Institute Day a few years back.  Staci's resume and list of accomplishments really is the proof that she lives what she writes. I think that is part of the reason why I am so drawn to this book.  I apply what I learn from other's if they themselves live it and are the example, instead of just talking about it.
Click here to listen to Staci Boyer on SoundCloud

My application from Chapter One:
1.  I did my 10 quality push ups everyday.  It made me reflect on how Staci relates doing push ups to the strength and determination each day to be your best.  Physically strong = mentally strong

2.  When you were a young girl did you keep a diary? Well, I got out my pretty black floral journal with a pen and just started writing.  I answered the questions that Staci asks in her "Success Inventory," in chapter 1. By taking the time to do this, it gave me direction and made my actually take time to answer the "why's" behind my goals in 30 days. Her book isn't just about physical fitness it is also about 7 other areas that I will continue on with as I keep going with this blog.  So, I pondered, I prayed about it and then I let the words hit the paper.  I can't remember the last time I actually did this!?! I encourage you to slow down and take some time for this.

You will have to stay tuned to my blog to see where I go after each chapter and how I am following through with the actions.  Some may be personal as it should be, but I will be as open as comfortable. I don't know about you but I am ready for an inside, out transformation!

Check out more info on Staci's book by clicking here.
Happy journaling,


  1. Wow that book sounds really interesting and helpful! Also, your mentioning on reading while on the stepmill gave me an idea on how to make time go faster, thanks :) keep blogging

  2. Elizabeth, I did a lot of my studying in college while doing cardio. If you click the SoundCloud in the blog above you can get a sample of what the author is like. Check it out, let me know what you think. Thanks for your comment.
