Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Little "POSH" into that ACTION.

Chapter 4: Putting my plan into action...

The past five days have almost derailed my finish to the 22nd.  My son and I both have been hit by the seasonal illnesses, enough to where he has missed wrestling and I have missed 2 of my scheduled workouts.  Monday is a scheduled day off, but I needed to take off Tuesday and Wednesday. Since, writing this it was the whole week off from working out. I really watched to make sure I got in my tea, fruits, and gluten free noodle soup.  Along, with my veggies.  I am getting better, thanks to my chiropractic adjustments and my POSH.
  Click here to see all the wonderful information on POSH
 I try as much as possible to try all natural remedies.  Might be my downfall, but that is how much I believe in natural medicine.

During my rest time I am remaining to stay on track with Staci Boyer's book.  This entry I  want to focus on this sentence from her book.

"Once you have devised a plan, however, it is time to actively engage in seeing it through, " PG 72.

 Right on, I had many choices to make when I got sick.  I really could have just given up and said I would wait until the new year.  But something inside had me choose the other, stick with it.  I think reading this book aided in that decision. I want to see my plan through.  I have been referring back to my blog to keep me accountable for my workouts and what my goals are.  If you haven't started journaling, get on it!  I am hopeful that nutrition is 70-80% of it and the remainder is working out.  I actively stayed engaged by eating nutritiously and sleeping, lots!  I am working on my soul at the same time, so reading in our I-Joy chair was part of my recover this week. Side note it was nice to share the chair with my girlfriends during my little girl's birthday party. I have to reflect that having written a plan, thought about my vision, and having accountability through this blog has helped me to stay on track. So, thank you to the readers and those who have messaged me along the way.

It takes dedication and the ability to overcome obstacles to get where you want to be.  Especially, if you want to be better than you were in the past.  Some may never understand your passion for health or fitness.  That is ok, because those that understand where you want to get to will call it "driven."

Where are you headed? Now, look ahead and get there!

P.S. Stay tuned this weekend I will share my leg workout and some more about POSH!

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