Sunday, November 25, 2012

I will take a spin and a twist please...

I wandered on down to the basement for a workout. I have to keep tunnel vision as not to get distracted by laundry or picking up my kid's toys. This is a major MUST for those who train at home.  Otherwise the workout will never happen. 

My plan was to  spin and to do some abs with a touch of glute work.  There are differing opinions on rather or not one can spot train a certain area. I believe in it. If nothing else mentally it helps me to feel better about myself. I can do kick backs or what VersaFlexx refers to as kneeling hip flexion every day.  I am over 30 and humble. 

So the workout:
45 minutes on my favorite spin bike (LeMond) which was a Christmas gift from my father in law.  Some may be offended to receive a piece of workout equipment, but this was awesome to me.  To be able to use a top of the line bike in the comfort of my own home without being binded to a group-x schedule. 

During those 45 minutes I wore my Polar Heart Rate Monitor. This really makes me work hard because I try to stay in the 150 bpm for the majority of the time. 
Using the gym boss timer I set up my standing intervals to my sitting intervals quite nicely.

 3 minutes sit 1:00 minute stand for 8 rounds 
That makes 32 minutes fly by even faster. 

For the ab work with the VersaFlexx I selected to add a twist today:
Hi-Lo Chop 
Reverse Oblique Crunches 

Followed with 4 sets of 15 reps 
Kneeling Hip Flexion 

The biggest tip is that if you train at home, you have to imagine that you are gone to the gym. My husband and I have an agreement that unless it is an emergency we do not bother each other while we are training at home.  

Think about your in home set up and how condusive it is to your training.  Please share any tips or tricks you have to keep you going at home.  

Happy training! 

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