Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Proper Nutrition"

Fitness at Home with "Proper Nutrition." 

                   The amount of knowledge that is available to our youth blows me away. It has been 14 years since I graduated high school & 10 since undergrad. Technology and the wave of education has made such a reform.  I see the positive side as we forge ahead to create students for the global society.  You will begin to see some words in quotation marks in my titles.  These are actually considered academic vocabulary words for a high school student. Imagine being able to be taught this at the age of 14. Makes me wonder where would I be with all that knowledge at that stage of my life. 

                    Back in the day I had search out of school for advice and knowledge, because all we did was play sport games.  Truth be told I did not care for high school PE at all, because there was NOT a fitness component, like there is now. The thing girls were to suppose to do back then was step aerobics on our VHS tape, no lifting.  Enough of my tangent, back to the title....

                    Proper Nutrition could be defined in a text book, but let me put in real terms.  Your proper nutrition depends on you and your end goal. Side note though is that you will never stop working at this goal.  Though you might change your definition of "proper nutrition," at times. You will see where I am going with this. 

                     The governmental definition for "proper nutrition," would be
Great for someone who follows just the recommended activity or someone who is inactive. My hopes though is that you at certain times of your life you exceed the daily requirements for physical activity and that you do have a personal nutrition goal. If you haven't already go write it down on a sticky note to remind yourself of it. Write it, achieve it!

                     Your proper nutrition could have factors that make it vary depending on if you are trying to gain muscle, lean out, train for long endurance, or short high intensity workouts.  I know I have times when my training changes so I change up my proper nutrition.  My high volume of running will be coming to an end soon, so I am already planning what my new food requirements will be.  So, if you are looking at a meal plan or checking out a nutrition book, check and see if it has the outcome of your goal that you want to reach.  Just remember muscle is your friend!

The last blog post about nutrition I sampled my eating for workout days and non- workout days.  

Here is the recipe about the steel cut oats. 
Steel Cut Oats 
2 cups oats
8 cups water
Dash of cinnamon 
Sliced granny smith apples (the hubby and our little ones super like these added) 
Place all ingredients in a slow cooker at 200 degrees

Or if your family or hubby do not require as much food here is a smaller recipe :) 
1 cup oats 
4 cups water 
200 degrees 

My cute commentary on this video:
* Faith is flipping her own tire.
* Both of my children know what a pull up is.
* My daughter's little hand keeps playing with my dial on my slow cooker.

Let me know if you try this recipe!

Live, Laugh, Love, Motivate

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