Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Cleaning

First of all, I apologize that my blog was not up at 3:30. I was working at school sending out reminders about Hinsdale South’s 5K / 1 Mile run that I am promoting with my elementary students. Then we had to go shopping to get Bryson his running shoes. Any how here I am finalizing this entry. I have one that I am very excited to post about with my CrossFit Journey and I hope to have that up over break. So......

It is time to start my spring cleaning on this blog. Just to let my readers know I value your comments and questions. I like to think about my answer, practice it, and research it as much as possible, instead of just giving you a quick response. Another words keep posting and I promise I will get to your questions!

1st: Turbo Fire verses Zumba....

That is a tough comparison. Let me just speak from the DVD’s I have. I loved TurboFire and the program has interval training with plyometric exercises. Zumba is what I call more of a steady cardio session with non-impactive stress to the body. Both are similar because the music creates a more enjoyable workout either way. I found Zumba less challenging with the choreography in the DVD’s than Turbo Fire. When I speak of Zumba I have the older series not the new Zumba Fitness which features Pitbull. My advise would be to try each one and see which one you enjoy more. Because the more you enjoy it, the more adapt you will be to stick with it and reach your goals. There is no sense in doing something if you do not enjoy it.

2nd: My response to “Un-Leash the Creativity.”

Your comments on this entry really warmed my heart. The students at PMSA have such good hearts and they seem to get the whole picture of life, about what you can do for others. I have to agree the four years in high school do go by very fast and it is important to be active within your high school. The community hours are new to me and that seems like quite a lot of hours. I would be interested to know what some of you do to get those hours. When I presented at Naperville’s P.E. Institute for DuPage County I shared some of the quotes from the students at PSMA from this blog as an example of what blogging can do for students. Your comments are what inspire me to write more!

P.S. I understand the financial commitment to the AVON Breast Cancer walk and just to let you know there are a lot of local breast cancer events one can do without such a large financial commitment. There is an all women’s event called “Dirty Girl Run,” in June and in September at Yorktown there is an amazing Susan G. Komen Race.

3rd: Zumba a Live Class!

I must say I did try a class at X-Sport in Downer’s Grove and had a fantastic time. What I really like about the Zumba Instructors is that they really get into teaching their class. They have a lot of energy and their clothes make you feel like you are in a DVD. My instructor wore the bands on the wrist, the tank top that said “Zumba,” and had a jingly skirt that she put on. My favorite one was to “Stand by Me” Please listen to the you tube video. You can see how you want to flow during a class. I recommend looking at our local park district you can find reasonably priced classes for sessions in Zumba. The class I took was in the morning during a break at the X-Sport in Downers Grove, so this would be a good summer class to try.

4th: P90X

Truthfully, I did it for 4 weeks and then I stopped. It got me motivated to lift, but I enjoy lifting without DVD’s much better. I would suggest this DVD series to someone who is looking for a safe and effective way to incorporate lifting into their workout. The videos are long, so longer cardio sessions are hard to fit in during a week. I am someone who needs to do cardio at least 4 times a week.

5th: Heart Rate Monitors - Link to Polar Heart Monitors

Believe it or not while at Target you can view a wide variety of heart rate monitors. I will say though strapless is good, but not as accurate as a strap heart rate monitor. If financially you can do one without a strap it is better than not having one at all. I think that the more you use the heart rate monitor the more you get in tune with knowing exactly how you feel at the rate of exertion. Also, you can truly see where you are at with your cardiovascular fitness levels. It feels pretty good to know that I can keep my heart rate between 150- 154 bpm for 30 minutes without having to stop. I like to know my resting heart rate to measure my fitness at rest and to see if what I am doing is really helping. I use a simple blood pressure monitor I purchased from Wal-Mart. I do this first thing in the morning and I record where I am. Yes, analytical!! But I know these numbers and this means more to me than a dress size.

6th: A lot of people dis-like running, you are not alone....

So, I am not here to force you into running or to tell you that is the only way to do cardio. I just ask that you discover why you do not like running. Sometimes those reasons you can change and sometimes it is best to find another way to get your heart strong. For example, if you find it boring I would suggest running with a friend or find a safe outdoor path you can enjoy. If your reason has to do with a medical or physical reason than there is so much you can do to get that heart rate going. Anything from swimming, biking, jumping rope, and never under estimate power walking. Cardio is great for the heart, but I do believe in the fact that one needs some type of strength training with cardio for results that remain. Carrying muscle is good for you and for your metabolism. When you get to be closer to my age, you will be happy that you added a bit a muscle.

I really get a lot from the questions and comments. It helps me to see what my readers are interested about and where you are coming from. To those who have asked yes you can send me emails here is my address: “


  1. I have heard so much about zumba lately and from the video its not what I imagined it to be. Hopefully I get a chance to actually try it sometime soon though it seems fun.
    Sadly I am one of those people who dislike running but lately I have been feeling that I should really start now because like you said its good for you heart plus its also better to start now rather than later (:

  2. I watched the Zumba video and that is what made me choose to read this blog because as I've said before I'm still dying to try Zumba. I have been, that video isn't exactly as intense and fun looking as I would imagine Zumba to be but one day I will try an upbeat class myself. I have a Zumba Wii Fitness game that has different songs and intensity levels, the video definitely demonstrated one that would be an Easy Difficulty Level. I really am determined to try a real class (hopefully I'll have more time in the summer.) I have heard that song plenty of times before though and it is one of my favorites. (Just wanted to say that)
    I have never heard of TurboFire before you have mentioned, but since you keep talking it up so much I am extremely tempted to find it, I'm not exactly sure where I can purchase it but when I remember one day I will find it. Unless you happen to post a link, because you have done so for many of the things like the heart monitor (which I want to say I am very happy for you posting). I went to the locator part of the website where you can find stores that sell them and I discovered there is one at a running store on Madison Street very close to where I live. But anyway, I also hope (along with a real Zumba class) that I will be able to try TurboFire soon.

    I appreciate your advice on the cardio also. I do hate running and it is true, but I have never really thought about the reasons why. It may just be because I get tired but I am aware that cardio is great for fat loss so I try and do it anyway. I do LOVE swimming though and I would have to say that it is definitely my favorite cardio, I used to swim at the pool while I still had a gym membership but I have not been able to for quite some time. As soon as I get the chance though, I am determined to start swimming again. I will also try the recommendations on finding a partner and maybe a change of scenery would be nice too. (Over spring break one of the times I did work out and do cardio was a jog with a friend, and it usually makes me do more because they push me.)

    Thank you for blogging again and giving some links to websites. It is very helpful and I appreciate you making the time and effort to assist others. I'm also glad that PMSA students inspire you and have helped you to keep posting blogs.

    Thanks, Amanda J.

  3. I can totally relate when it comes to a Zumba workout. I actually enjoy these kinds of workouts, because I am a dancer. It helps improve my breathing while dancing because of the non-stop movement. My first time attending a Zumba class was a challenge but the more I went, the more comfortable I became with the material. I am definitely team Zumba for workouts!
    -Mikita the Dancing Machine :)

  4. I've actually tried Zumba before on the Wii and it was really fun Nd kinda challenging. The game come with a belt for you to put the Wii remote inside it so it can sense you move. Plus, you cant cheat =)
    It's more convenient than going to a class
    (I really wanna try a live class though)

    There are a lot of fitness based games available on the Wii that invovle dancing, yoga, aerobics, and more. You should try them Ms Kima

  5. Ohhh!!! Doing Zumba sounds fun! :) I haven't tried it but it looks fun and exciting. I would love to try Zumba since I LOVE to dance and sing. Every friday, they put the Dance Dance Revolution in the workout room and I always play because I love dancing and it's also fun. Its like working out for me but in a different way. But other than dancing, I also do Taekwondo. It has a lot of stretching, which hurts a lot; kicking and punching. I like doing it but sometimes its a pain. I've also been hearing about Zumba from my family. They say it's fun and it's like an exercise. I like to try out different things and doing Zumba is one of them. I hope one day I will do Zumba because I want to do it so badly.
    P.S.: I'm Mr. Spaulding's favorite student because I am funny and he has had me for the whole school year rather than me leaving him to go to Drive's Ed. Instead I stayed. hahaha you probably heard about me Ms. Kima from Mr. Spaulding. Thank you! :D
    - Steven R.

  6. I love Zumba! I do the workout on my Wii and it's really fun, plus a challenge. I wanted to look into doing some live classes because working out with a group motivates me more.

  7. First of all, I would like to thank you for these blogs because it is very motivational. I havee tried doing Zumba because it is very diffetrnt from traditional exercises and if you love dancing, than you will just enjoy yourself.


  8. I have been wanting to try Zumba with my mom but we don't have the same schedule and never have time for it. What would you recommend for a quick workout but that has a excitement of Zumba? Also how can I show my mom that working out by yourself is fun too. She doesn't like to be by herself when working out. How do you make time for working out when you have a busy schedule like yours as a mother? My mom struggles with that issue.

  9. Hello Mrs. Spaulding,

    I wish all communities knew more about the Hinsdale South 5K/1 mile run. I think events like this should totally be shared with the general community because there are people willing to participate in events like this that just don’t know about them. I have seen the affect that Turbo Fire gives off just from watching Faith in a previous blog post entry. I think I would be worn out if I used the Turbo Fire because I wouldn’t really be able to concentrate and take my time with the exercise. I’ve always wanted to take a Zumba class! During my summer at U of I, my friends always took Zumba classes at the Arc but I never really thought they were that beneficial. From the reviews that my friends have given the course, I think it is something that I may want to look into as well as P90X. I will definitely start to e-mail you more as I have tried to promote Mr. Spaulding to create his own blog like you have but he always tells me he’s “too busy,” but I think I may persuade him to eventually.

    Have a great weekend Mrs. Spaulding,

  10. This blog is fabulous since you talk about six different topics. I love Zumba and that’s because I love to dance. I like the video that you have on your blog; I think is a perfect video to introduce Zumba to those who have never done it before. I think this is a low tempo song that’s a great way to start with any type of cardio. I want to share with you the link of one of my favorite zumba videos, you will only be able to do this song after you become after you know the basics of zumba and some experience. But anyway, it is a song that I like and I hope you like it too (reggeaton=lots of movement). >>>

    About the running, I was never into that. But my doctor told me about the risk of health problems I could develop over time (it’s genetic in my family too). I really was worried and it was then (2009) that I started running. It can be boring, and tiring at first. As you mentioned, the best thing to do is to identify why we do not like to run. In my case, I got tired too soon and my mind was just focused on when I would reach the 10min mark. I tried running with a friend but since I talk a lot, I wasn’t focused on my breathing as Mr. Spaulding says. I noticed that with music, my mind focused on the song rather than on time or running. With my iPod playing, I can now do up to 3 miles in ~35mmins. It is also important to warm up and increase speed slowly; when I started running, I would start at 5.5mph right away, and then I realized that was a problem too. Running is FANTASTIC, it has helped me manage my weight and helps keep my energy level balanced throughout the day.
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge
    Marvin G. pd7

  11. I have seen a lot of commercials about zumba and a lot of people seem to like it and the results. It looks like a really fun and new way to workout.

  12. First of I just want to say I LOVE ZUMBA!! :) I recently have started doing zumba and I find it really fun and challenging especially the cardio and flat abs ones. You mentioned how turbo fire is also a good workout and fun which I plan on trying to get and start working out to. I like workouts that are fun and at the same time challenging because sometimes its hard to workout alone and try and make it intense.
    -Hazel Ramones

  13. Though I have never been to a Zumba class or have participated in a Zumba workout I am still a very big supporter of it. It is an example of my favorite type of cardio workouts because it combines burning calories while doing something enjoyable. I am also a very big supporter of any type of workout that will keep your legs in motion. I'm the type of person that would rather run laps around the track and run up and down sets of bleachers in a football stadium than do 100 sit-ups or squats. In my opinion, you haven't accomplished anything unless your workout routine leaves you noticeably tired.
