Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It is March! I am super happy that spring is just around the corner. I went to my favorite running store in Elmhurst, the Runner’s Soul. I have the number to the store in my contacts on my phone. This is my favorite store because Jayne, the owner is super nice. Can you tell that I LOVE running?!? She really cares about the people that come in and she adores my children. What more could you ask for? On top of that the staff is knowledgeable about my FAVORITE shoe, “Newton’s!” You just have to check out their website, because I would not do it justice by writing a short bit.

All I have to say is that with my feet issues and my LOVE for running, Newton’s make it possible for me to do my “Soul Mate Workout,” as quoted from Chalene Johnson’s newly published book. The book is called “PUSH,” we have the I-Book version and the hard copy. I highly recommend reading it. It has helped us with our professional life and personal fitness. I placed a link to her website,too. So there you have it my favorite workout, favorite shoe, and my favorite book of the new year.

Another favorite I have are the “apps” for my i-phone. I am an i-phone user, but some of my girlfriends who have other smart phones can use these apps,too. If someone ever looked at my phone without meeting me they would probably define me as obsessed with fitness and education. All my 30 plus apps pertain probably guessed it fitness or education. Here is my list of top 5 and why....

IWorkout Muse: Customize any interval workout with your own music

Metronome: You can set the cadence to any beat that you like. I started using this because of natural running and what they say about the foot strike her minute.

Lose It! : A daily nutrition log that breaks down what you eat by nutrients and calories. It has a nice bar scanner to make logging quick and easy. It also has tons of restaurant choices so you can still log a meal out to eat and be accurate. It does take exercise into account for so you can log your workouts, too.

Tabata Timer: A simple 4 minute, 20 second on, 10 second off timer.

Heart Fitness: A heart monitor using the lens from your phone.

If you check these out let me know! I use at least 2 of these apps on a daily basis. I highly recommend logging food!


  1. I love the color of the “Distance U” Newton’s you picked out Mrs. Spaulding (yes, I visited the website)! You’ve got great taste for fashion I see! I have previously downloaded the apps, “Teen BMI” and “TargetWeight for Teens” on my iPod touch just so I could keep up with my daily health goals. I weigh myself in the morning daily before eating breakfast and see if I have gotten a bit taller (which I haven’t since the new year) and throw the calculations into the apps for it to calculate my Body Mass Index. They are great apps because they motivate me. The apps show me where I am on the BMI scale for children younger than 19 which my BMI has always been normal (22.4 g/m^2) and what I need to accomplish for the day to get to my target weight goal. The apps give me a great deal of motivation because I thought that I was pretty skinny to be my age, but it shows me worldwide statics of boys the same age that are heavier, shorter, and lighter. You are definitely not the only one that is obsessed with fitness in education but I am also obsessed with food and nutrition. It sounds like I would love to try the Metronome app only because I listen to a lot of Pop, Latino, and R&B genre of music on the go. I’d also be interested in the “Lost It!” app because I love to eat out at restaurants once in a while. I will check out those two apps and let you know what I think about them in the next two weeks!

    P.S. If I got a pair of Newton’s, I’d have a hard time choosing between the “Gravity” and “Motion” Newton’s because of their colors! :)

    Hustling to gain more muscle,

  2. I want to start off by saying thank you! Thank you for sharing your ideas and tips for better workouts. I love how you explore health from all angles, what I mean by that is that you not only exercise but you read books about fitness. Being fit is not just about physical activity but also reading and learning more about nutrition. I've never used apps to keep track of my workouts but now that you've suggested some, I will be downloading them today. Especially IWorkout Muse since it uses your own music.
    About the shoes, they look very comfortable which is important when you run/jog. It's hard to find appropriate shoes at common retail stores.
    Once again, thank you... Push seems like a great book, I'm going to consider that one.
    Marvin G. pd.7

  3. The Newton's show that is pictured is so cute. That was the first thing I noticed about the shoe then I began reading to article to see what exactly does the Newton's shoe do for you that stands out for other name brands. You mentioned you have foot problems so immediately that answered my question. I admire how you are so dedicated to keeping track of your workout schedule and sticking to what works for you and fits your love of running, with the help of Newtons. One day I know this may have nothing to do with your blog but one day I'd like to be a designer. The idea of designing a shoe that's both cute and helps those like yourself continue their love of exercise crossed my mind while reading this. I just wanted to share that. Continue doing what you love and I will too.
    Moriah Warfield (pd.7)

  4. I think that your tips can really help me with my running. I just downloaded the metronome app and I can't wait to use it. Right now I am trying to save up some money so that I can spend some money on some good running shoes.
    -Ashanti Moore

  5. I always read your blogs and every time I read them they really inspire me. I'm glad you decided to write a blog about running shoes because I've been looking for good running shoes for a very long time and every time I go to the store they are not any help.
    -Destiny Matthews

  6. Hello Ms.Spaulding!
    Mr.Spaulding mentioned to our class that you had purchased new running shoes and that that was all you were running in, that you didn't even want to take them off ! haha.
    I have the Tabata Timer app on my phone, I love it ! I introduced it to my sisters and they like it as well, every time I use it for a workout i can really feel it. I will definitly be checking out the other Apps you listed, because I am trying my hardest to stay fit/healthy.
    -Mireya Guzman

  7. Hey Mrs. Spaulding!
    I also purchased some new running shoes just last month because I felt like I needed some motivation to run especially with the weather getting warmer. I picked up a pair of new Asics Gel shoes from a place called Run Chicago in Forest Park on Madison St. I haven't heard about Newton Running shoes until I read your blog so I'll be sure to check those out and give em a try when the shoes I have now become flimsy. I am flat footed and have custom insoles made especially for my feet but I do not like to use them in my running shoes because they never fit correctly in them. I have yet to find a shoe that isn't too wide (since I have skinny and small feet) and a shoe that has very good arch support that won't "break-in" too much for my feet in a short period of time. Unfortunately I have t-mobile so I don't have access to the workout oriented iPhone apps but I do have an iPad and I am downloading the "Lose It!" app right this second since it's a daily log that I think may very well be useful since I am watching my nutrition to get a nice cut look for the summer.

    -Jim Patrick Quindara, 18, Senior.

  8. This Blog gave me great inspiration to invest in a pair of running shoes. I also appreciate the list of apps that you have listed ive researched a few of them and I actually downloaded a few similar with prom coming soon these apps are sure to come in handy.
    Sharia Lovings, Senior
