Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Un-Leash the Creativity"

February, already?!?! It always amazes me how time speeds past us. Which I guess is always a good sign that we are enjoying what we are doing. This blog has turned out to be a fun hobby of mine, but I did not know where I was going with it. People suggested that I try to write reviews for products, but that is easier said than done. Quite honestly I like writing about my thoughts on faith and fitness. When this blog started my encouraging husband introduced my blog to his high school students. They have become such avid readers of my blog and always leave me feeling inspired to write more. I am honored to write this blog entry about some students at Proviso Math and Science Academy.

Back in December I got put in such the holiday spirit when I received an email from Karthika about the Destination Imagination Team. They asked if I would like to be the recipient of a generous donation to the Avon Breast Cancer Walk. I was so thrilled to get this email, because I had just attended a bowling event to raise funds for a friend who is a Breast Cancer Survivor. She is an amazing woman, high school counselor, and a mother of two little children who my children have been growing up with. The Destination Imagination Team has offered their donation to the “Pointer Sisters,” for this year’s Avon Breast Cancer Walk. The event consists of a walk in Chicago on June 2 and 3rd. Day one is 26.2 miles. Day 2 is 13 miles for total of 39 miles. Walking 39 miles and surviving breast cancer makes one filled with hope. The sign of the pink ribbon is one that I hold near to my heart as do many others in our world today.

Here is their story as told by Karthika Nair:

I am a student at the Proviso Mathematics and Science Academy and captain of their Destination Imagination Team. In this program we complete challenges as a team that promote teamwork, thinking out of the box and being creative. Last year, we won the community project challenge. We placed first in the state for our project. The challenge was to bring the community together for a common goal or cause. Our team consists of 5 members: Karthika Nair (me), Gaby Berndt, Saul Alarcon, Lissette Moreno, and Jorge Lopez. The team manager is Lauren O'Connor, a teacher at our school.

Destination Imagination Team has been around as long as we have. It has been four years and was started by Mr.Thomas Dix, a physics teacher at our school. Destination Imagination is a team-based, problem solving program that encourages creativity. The project that we chose last year was the community project that focused on using effective communication to bring the community together for a common goal.

Our goal was raising awareness and an affordable means to support breast cancer. Two years ago our found mentor, Mr. Thomas Dix, passed away due to lung cancer. We wanted to stick with the concept of fighting cancer, and thought that breast cancer was a more imminent topic to make into a community project. We selected breast cancer because we wanted a project that we knew has affected a lot of people but none of us have had the opportunity to make an impact upon. When realizing that the AVON breast cancer walk costs $1300 to participate in, we wanted to find a way for people in our community to have their own impact even if they don’t have that kind of financial support.

Destination Imagination ordered pink bracelets, made a lot of handmade bracelets and pink ribbons that we wore and sold around our school. Then, on April 1st of last year we held a Walkathon, without much success considering that the weather that day was terribly cold, windy and gloomy. That's where the amazing part unfolds. After the walkathon, between all the effort we put into bringing so much food, we had heaps of leftovers that we didn't know what to do with. We couldn't afford to just take them home, we had to at least make up the sum that was spent from parents on supplies. In my lobby that day, there were a flurry of phone calls about public places that we could sell food without a permit and about our cause. That's when a neighbor of mine walks by and we all spark a lightbulb. "We're giving out free hotdogs and asking for donations for breast cancer". Apparently one person was having a party and another was facing cancer herself. Before we knew it, my lobby became like a little bakery shop. That day we made $375 solely off of going around my condominium talking about our cause.

My final thought is if this blog does nothing else I am happy for what it brought to the “Pointer Sisters,” and to the Destination Imagination Team. It brought two “tribes” together via the internet and allowed a good story to be re-told. Both of them teach us that over coming challenges, working together, and being creative can result in positive outcomes.

For more information about the Avon Breast Cancer Walk please visit the side link for "Pointer Sisters" on my blog. If you are interested in donating to the “Pointer Sisters,” you can visit the same website and 1st: click on donate at the top, 2nd: donate to a walker, 3rd: type in Wendy Biggs, Pamela Gonzalez, or Julie Kearney.


  1. Hello Mrs. Spaulding,

    Thanks for sharing one of my classmates’ story. Sharing her story on your blog has made me more knowledgeable about my community. One never knows what is occurring in their community unless someone shares what is going on and asks for help. I got to know Karthika more through this blog entry. I see how we have many things in common especially giving back to the community and our effort going unnoticed. Karthika’s story makes me wish I knew more about Destination Imagination or that it was promoted more throughout our school community. As you know, I am always interested in lending a helping hand and Destination Imagination sounds like something that I have missed out on big time in high school. Overcoming challenges, working together, and being creative builds a leader in our community and someone who deserves some recognition. Congratulations Karthika!

    Thanks for taking the time to reply all of my previous comments on your past blog entries! It really means a lot! :)

    Have a great week and looking forward to the next entry,

  2. Reading this blog almost made me cry. It shows that you can always achieve by working together with your friends, especially if its for a great cause.Honestly if it didn't cost so much to do the breast cancer walker, I would do it to support all the females that is suffering with breast cancer because I can't imagine how it feels to have breast cancer at such a young age. I know its even harder when you have younger children that doesn't even kow whats going on.

  3. Great blog Mrs.Spaulding!! I support you for what you are doing, it is an honor and motivation to me to see that you are supporting this organization. You and Mr.Spaulding have influenced me to work hard at everything I do and to see it is important to enjoy life and stay physically fit.
    -Gabriel Jones(freshman) pd.4

  4. This blog inspired me to go out and help someone, maybe even save up my own money and donate it to a charity to help cure some sort of cancer.

  5. This is an amazing Blog. Really Motivating to go out and help people in your Community!



  7. This blog means a lot because I have known Karthika Nair since freshmen year but really haven’t had the opportunity to know that she was involved in things like that. And I know what it means to her to do things like that because, like her I give myself a lot of my time in volunteering at my Organization outside school I sometimes wonder if why I do it. Just in my case, I fight for immigrants’ rights, focusing on undocumented students, by giving helping them of the process. I always find time to volunteer and always being there for any events, because is something that I am very passionate about and most important because it affects me. I am glad that Kathika and other senior students are raising awareness of this issue, and helping others by giving time in their lives and spending it in issues like breast cancer.

  8. This blog is amazing! Keep doing what you do Mrs. Spaulding. It is always good to help out a person.

  9. I think I came across the AVON walkathon as I was lookin for activities for the Key Club at PMSA to do. I am one of the presidents and just as Janeth and Karthika; I am a student who has been fully dedicated to my group since freshman year. Key Club works together with the Kiwanis Club of Forest Park. The activities that we do as a team are always different but our goal is to help our community. As a club we have never done anything specifically related to cancer. But I do see where Karthika is coming from since my mom is a cancer survivor. I wish I had known more about DI. It would have been amazing for Key Club to bond DI and work together for such a good cause. As Mrs. Spaulding said, working together on a challenge always brings positive outcomes.
    I also want to let students that are starting their journey through PMSA to use what we’ve all shared and don’t waste time. Go out and participate so that you feel happy of a change you’ve done for someone or in the community.
    Marvin Gomez(pd7)

  10. This blog has really made me examine myself as a community member. It made me realize that there are many more things out there in the world than just me. After reading about the things that my classmates have done, I feel like the 100+ community service hours that I have "earned" are sort vain. You all don't think of the things that you do as work, but it pleases you and makes you happy to help others that are under circumstances that they can't control. And because of that, you devote you time and effort, almost subconsciously, to those in need.I feel like after reading this, I need to re-evaluate myself as a member of my community and re-position myself as a leader trying to help those in need.

    -Ashanti Moore

  11. I admire what groups such as Destination Imagination are doing to help raise cancer awareness. It certainly makes me want to do more so that I can have more of an impact on my community. The little things that I do such as helping out at the public library and doing things here and there at my church are only small task that don't really help the community in a big way. At least not in the way I'd like them too. This blog encourages me to go out and find ways that I really can make a difference and because I really want to, not just so I can gain service hours. Helping those in need brings a really good feeling and I should make more of an effort to get together with a group like Destination Imagination and really make a difference.

    - Moriah Warfield (pd. 7)

  12. I must say that anyone who is dedicated to the fight against cancer has won a special place in my heart. This story that you have shared and so many other stories are truly touching. My mother and I take pride in donating to St. Jude Children's Hospital. I believe that every penny we send them has the ability to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients. Your blog has inspired me to make a promise to help more often. Selflessness is a powerful thing.

    -Renee Ayeh

  13. Let's just say that you were a big part of our workout success this year at Proviso Mathematics and Science Academy. You inspire me based off of this blog website along and with you supporting the fight against cancer makes you an even bigger inspiration in my eyes! Like Renee said in the comment before mine, selflessness is not only a powerful thing, but a beautiful one at that.

    Paris Skinner
