Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Transformation

There are always buzz words that marketing uses to attract people. I have seen lately the words: extreme, immediate, rapid, and transformation all relating to the fitness industry. The fitness industry uses marketing and marketing is not always that truthful. I think it is because the truth would not sell. In regards to “fitness” losing, gaining, maintaining, whatever your goal is, it is not just a 12 week program. I can visualize the commercial or you tube video telling someone that FOREVER you will have to eat right, exercise, and encounter bumps along the way to reach your “fitness” goal. I am sure that sales and memberships would sky rocket. Right???

This leads me to my transformation story. I took up running about five years ago pretty seriously because I needed a shift from the body building scene. Everything is good in moderation, but my extreme goal of trying to gain muscle and than leaning out was effecting me negatively in my life. Running helped me over come a lot of insecurities and low esteem that I had developed from body building. Which seems so ironic because one would think that body building would do the opposite. I can remember working out in sweatshirts and baggy pants in the middle of summer, because of how bad I was feeling. Not everyone’s experience is the same, this is just my story.

I have now done three marathons since I took up running, but after this last one I started to feel burnt out from running. That is when I was given the chance to try Turbo Fire, by a friend. I would like to say that I began this workout series to keep my heart strong, but that would be a lie. I wanted to see if I could transform my body rapidly, like the ads had shown. I even started drinking the shakeology, because I wanted to know does it really work???

I took out the tape measure and took out the scale for past 6 weeks and the results??? I still look the same, really come on!?! That is when it hit me. My transformation took place on the inside...I wish I could say that I came up with this all on my own but I did not. Sometimes you hear the words, but it does not hit you until you are ready to really take the words in. I heard Chalene (the creator of Turbo Fire) say it, but it was today I really took it in. She references how it is not all about the number on the scale, but how blessed you are to work this hard.... That is it! There really will come a day when I will not be doing plyo’s and running countless miles and I should be thankful for what I can do now!

I realized that the transformation I was seeking was the wrong one. I needed to transform my perspective on why I work out. Over the past 6 weeks I have been working in my heart rate zones, learning new moves, and I have been committed to a workout plan. I can celebrate that I can now “Fire Up” the music with the dvds and I can kick higher. I did, I fell off of the path and fell for the ads which left me feeling down and in an unhappy spot. Now, I am back and I will continue my journey with this transformation.

I am writing this in hopes that you can find that joy in your workouts and you can create your own transformation story. In all aspects of life it is hard not to get distracted and pulled in. I encourage you to make that inner transformation through fitness. Celebrate what you can do, how you feel, and than pass it on to someone else.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's great to hear that you are happy with your transformation and you are going to continue your journey. Reading your post really made me think that working out and doing marathons aren't just for getting your body into shape but it can also help shape you as a person on the inside and realize why working out is good for your body and a good life.Great post on defining tranformation from transform!

    1. That makes me happy to read your post, yes focus on the inside first. I think that running has been marketed to help one lose weight, but there is such a deeper meaning you find once you truly fall in love with running!

  3. This really encouraged me! I sometimes tend to get a little upset with myself when I don't see a change right away.Reading this helped me realize that its not always about the Outside,sometimes you have to take care of the Inside first.I feel that as long as I work on the Inside transformation that will make me stronger as a person and my Outside transformation will come soon. -Mr.Spauldings Student:Lauren Whitfield

    1. That is such an important concept to keep in mind. Outside strength and changes with nothing happening on the inside only lead to a temporary transformation.

  4. Kima,
    I am glad to hear that you have found the true meaning of your transformation, and that your doing well. Like I have said before, your blog posts are very open, and honest, and they're motivational. I like to read them. What I pulled from the blog post was that you learned to shape your insides as well as your outsides and it makes you a better person, even though I don't know you.
    Well, thanks and good luck on continuing with your journey.
    Alyda Zenteno (Mr.Spaulding's Student)

    1. I am thankful you appreciate my honesty. I am a straight forward person and I encourage others to be that way with me.

  5. Most people try to get the fastest results in the least amount of time.This has shown me that its about long term and being health inside and out.So,thank you for sharing your journey with us and Good Luck
    Darrell Dorsey (Mr.Spaulding's Student)

    1. It is a journey and it is life long. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

  6. I totally agree with you Mrs. Spaulding on the type of wording that fitness commercials use. What attracts us consumers to these new exercise techniques that can help up "gain more muscle in only 6 minutes" of using a Shake Weight or "lose 1 inch a day of shaking some salt on our food" thanks to SENSA because there just isn't enough time in the day to work out and watch our health. Sometimes I sit there and think how does this actually work? The only thing we can do is to make time to actually work out even if it is 5 to 15 minutes a day. At PMSA, our ILASS (Integrated Language Arts and Social Studies) teachers always have us speaking of transformation when we participate in Harkness Tables. Harkness Tables are when everyone in the class sits at a table and shares what or how they felt about the certain topic by the end of the class period. The transformation from when we first sit down at the table vs. the transformation after we leave the class happens within the inside. You get to learn about others aspects and sometimes people open up more and you get to know more about them. Always remember that transformation works its way from the inside on top the outside. Remember to take deep breathes and keep an upbeat heart.

    Have a great week,

    1. Yes, one needs to believe in themselves and not the ads. Your class sounds very interesting, wish I had that in high school. Breathing is more important than you ever know!

  7. Hello Kima,
    It is great that you release that being healthy is not a fad or a rollercoaster ride, but more of a lifestyle. I personally noticed this when I changed my diet. Being healthy is not that your muscular, but only sleep three hours a day nor that you do not have a terminal illness and can still eat fast food everyday. One thing that I will note is that I am not saying that losing weight is a lifestyle. Losing weight and even trying to look like a toothpick is not always the best body shape for everyone. Being healthy is a pathway or a transformation as one starts to understand their needs. Being healthy is not about being a size 0, but rather it is about getting enough minerals each day. It is about being happy and living a life that one desires to live. That is why trying to lose weight by drinking diet soda and reduced fat everything is not going to make people healthy because the people that are doing this will never evolve their life to be healthy; those people will not transform to a stage in their life that accommodates their needs, but rather standards set by others.

    1. The size "0," the fashion model, the only eat a small salad, that image that is portrayed to our society, is NOT healthy. I am thrilled to read that you do not believe in this image. Share that as much as you can, because maybe someone you know needs to hear that they are healthy and beautiful regardless of the scale or size they wear.

  8. Your blog is really inspiring because its not about just changing your body you change your health life and your more in control of your health also. I like how you feel happy with your transpiration it gives me a motivation on my life. your blogs are very open and helpful and like i said inspiring and true.
    Well thanks for sharing your journey, Good Luck!
    Angelique Moore(mr.Spaulding student)

    1. "Tru," is on my shoulder, because I believe in being true. I am thankful that you are inspired, I am sure that you are inspiring others around you!

  9. I've tried writing on this blog multiple times and I haven't been able to because it has gotten deleted before. But I am going to attempt to summarize my collection of thoughts.

    I COMPLETELY agree with the statement about workout advertisements. They always use the perfect words to for the commercials. Every time I see paid programming for those kinds of advertisements, I can't help but want to try them. They always persuade me just the right way. Because of all your talk about TurboFire I also kind of want to look into that too just to see what it's like. It seems as though it's a motivational and active workout.

    Their motivational talks seems to have inspired you as well, and I am very glad that TurboFire has made you realize your real transformation. I am also glad that you have decided to share this with us. I, myself, went through a transformation between middle school and now. I have extremely improved my fitness and wellness since then. I still have not been as confident I should be, and I am always trying to improve. I focus too much on what others can do better than me. But really, I should focus on something more important which is being thankful for what I actually can do. Thank you for making me realize this.

    I wish you much luck in your journey for transformation.

    1. I think that is a battle we all face, the comparisons. Once, you let it go and realize that you are unique and you have your own personal strengths and achievements, a huge weight is lifted off. I can say that because I was where you are at in my early college years. As I have gotten older, I have found a good circle of friends who support each other and this helps so much in feeling good of where you are at.

  10. great blog :D

    - Josephine Colantonio from Mr. Spauldings first period health class.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and post.

  11. Great blog. Now I can try to change my persoective on certain things in life, keeping me motivated and determined.
    - Nick G, 6th period.

  12. Dear Kima,
    When I first read this I don't think I really understood what you meant by a transformation that had nothing to do with your looks. To me, working out was always something that relied on appearance. I believed that people did it to look the way they wanted to look, not to feel the way they wanted to feel. After reading this again I've seen your point. It is not about appearance, but vitality, strength, and true health.

    Thank you,
    Renee Ayeh

    1. I would love to see more ads on how working out has everything to do with how you feel and nothing to do with the way you look.

  13. I've never really thought of working out that way. I too find myself being so focused on what the ads are telling me. Working out for me has always seemed like something that only helps you to work on your outsides rather than insides and reading this blog I have really gained admiration towards your perspective on creating a work out plan that focuses on exactly what your purpose is for working out. It should be something that you do for yourself, to help you better yourself. Now i too would like to a transformation story and inspire others as well. - Moriah Warfield Pd.7

    1. Please share your transformation with me. You can email me from here and I will post it. Like Mr. Spaulding says there is not one program that is a "fits all" each person is an individual and should create their own individual plan. Keep on with your transformation!
