Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Transformation

There are always buzz words that marketing uses to attract people. I have seen lately the words: extreme, immediate, rapid, and transformation all relating to the fitness industry. The fitness industry uses marketing and marketing is not always that truthful. I think it is because the truth would not sell. In regards to “fitness” losing, gaining, maintaining, whatever your goal is, it is not just a 12 week program. I can visualize the commercial or you tube video telling someone that FOREVER you will have to eat right, exercise, and encounter bumps along the way to reach your “fitness” goal. I am sure that sales and memberships would sky rocket. Right???

This leads me to my transformation story. I took up running about five years ago pretty seriously because I needed a shift from the body building scene. Everything is good in moderation, but my extreme goal of trying to gain muscle and than leaning out was effecting me negatively in my life. Running helped me over come a lot of insecurities and low esteem that I had developed from body building. Which seems so ironic because one would think that body building would do the opposite. I can remember working out in sweatshirts and baggy pants in the middle of summer, because of how bad I was feeling. Not everyone’s experience is the same, this is just my story.

I have now done three marathons since I took up running, but after this last one I started to feel burnt out from running. That is when I was given the chance to try Turbo Fire, by a friend. I would like to say that I began this workout series to keep my heart strong, but that would be a lie. I wanted to see if I could transform my body rapidly, like the ads had shown. I even started drinking the shakeology, because I wanted to know does it really work???

I took out the tape measure and took out the scale for past 6 weeks and the results??? I still look the same, really come on!?! That is when it hit me. My transformation took place on the inside...I wish I could say that I came up with this all on my own but I did not. Sometimes you hear the words, but it does not hit you until you are ready to really take the words in. I heard Chalene (the creator of Turbo Fire) say it, but it was today I really took it in. She references how it is not all about the number on the scale, but how blessed you are to work this hard.... That is it! There really will come a day when I will not be doing plyo’s and running countless miles and I should be thankful for what I can do now!

I realized that the transformation I was seeking was the wrong one. I needed to transform my perspective on why I work out. Over the past 6 weeks I have been working in my heart rate zones, learning new moves, and I have been committed to a workout plan. I can celebrate that I can now “Fire Up” the music with the dvds and I can kick higher. I did, I fell off of the path and fell for the ads which left me feeling down and in an unhappy spot. Now, I am back and I will continue my journey with this transformation.

I am writing this in hopes that you can find that joy in your workouts and you can create your own transformation story. In all aspects of life it is hard not to get distracted and pulled in. I encourage you to make that inner transformation through fitness. Celebrate what you can do, how you feel, and than pass it on to someone else.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Morning Warrior

It is the choices I make that determine my outcome. Sometimes is difficult because we can catch ourselves looking to the right and to left that we get distracted. I have to remind myself that I am a unique individual and what works for me may not for someone else. With that being said these are just some of my steps to what I call a "Morning Warrior."

1st: Prepare everything the night before. Coffee, water bottle, clothes, music, shoes, anything that will make the morning more enjoyable.

Quick side note: I keep an extra set of workout clothes ready, so if I am too tired I have a set ready to go.

2nd: Yes, the alarm is going to go off early. Yes, it will suck and it might for a while. Don't beat yourself up, but it will get easier.

Quick side note: To make yourself get up out of bed, place the alarm across the room.

3rd: You might be really tired, coffee is your friend. (Remember I have 2 children and a career.)

4th: Pick a workout you LOVE and ENJOY. Who wants to wake up to do something they dislike?

5th: Start off with shorter workouts and then increase the time as you get more used to waking up.

6th: When you feel like crawling back into bed tell yourself "I AM a Morning Warrior!"

Join me in starting your day off with a good sweat and the rush that yes, you can!

Send me a facebook message or tweet me that you are here and that you are a "Morning Warrior!"

Over Coming Obstacles

I am at this stage right now, where I really have to be strong mentally. My workouts are going ok, but not fantastic for me. I have a lot on my plate that is not finished and our schedule is busy. Yes, that probably seems like everyone this day in age. So, how do I over this stage???

First, of all I am trying the new Turbo Fire program. I am being smart and following the plan for the order of the dvd's. I am a control freak so I still have to fit in my own lifting and a long steady session of cardio. I really enjoy the Turbo Fire. I find Chalene's motivation extremely inspiring. The combos of moves are at times hard to follow but I am catching on. It was my second HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout and I felt better and I found my heart rate in the 160's, which brought a smile to my face. The only problem is that I keep waking up the little ones. After 3 days of this, I am strongly considering going out to my garage and working out. I don't want to stop, but this is decreasing their sleep, which they need. Not to mention I need my "me" time. Obstacles yes, but I have not given in.

I would love to workout for hours and go to the gym when ever I felt like it. That is what I really what I did in my younger days. Now, reality has set in and I will take whatever I can get. When I know my time is short I up the intensity. My energy has been low and I am fighting this awful lung/cough thing. Where I used to have the "aha" workouts almost every time, I only get a couple a week. Keeping up with the little ones takes a lot out of you, but you realize that they are your priority.

When I feel like I am in this "rut" I look up and just say " I know I can handle it."

I am focusing on my nutrition and trying to sleep more. I know that when I have my shake, Greek yogurt, and sweet potatoes my body is getting the right kind of fuel. I am getting my weekly chiropractic adjustments and using my rice sock my mother in-law made me. I will go into more detail about the rice sock in another blog post.

I am not writing this to complain. I am simply sharing with you that we all face obstacles and we all have our down day or days. It just matters if your are making positive choices and surrounding yourself with good people. I have to remain thankful because I know this "rut" is only temporary. I appreciate you taking time to read this and maybe it allowed for some self- reflection.