Friday, September 5, 2014

21 Days to Form a New Habit

   Written August 28th...published September 5th...(so much to do that I got a little behind on publishing this one)

I am 21 days into my tweaked lifestyle. From what I looked up 21 days seems to be the magic number. I am not counting the days, because I want it to be over with. I am counting because it gives me motivation to keep on going.  This week work started, the kids started school, and the fall activities for our kids also began. Another words it is a shock to my system.  I really had to mentally tackle that "what if's." It seems easy to do, because maybe it looks everyone is doing something extraordinary. No, it's not easy so what did I resort to???  I really could have downed 6 cups of coffee, reached for peanut butter, slept in, and enjoyed a piece of cake on my birthday. Instead, I have
* stuck to my plan for training (setting the alarm clock across from me)
* took a power nap
*drank my teavana green tea
* enjoyed a green salad on my birthday (which my hubby brought home for me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers)

Most importantly during the trip to the library with my kids I checked out a Joyce Meyer play away.  My strength comes from the Lord. Pretty powerful when you stop to think about it. I have been listening to it during my long slow cardio sessions of walking on the treadmill and my drive to school.  It really makes that time more meaningful.  Don't get me wrong I still need my club thumbing music on some days of double workouts.

I hope that you celebrate your achievements along the way.

Pray, train, eat, sleep,

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