Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lower Body Interval Cycle # 1

Record weights and speed if you want to really want to see results. 
 Look for video with the this interval coming to our YouTube Station “Fitness by Spaulding.”
 Link will be posted on our Facebook Page “Fitness by Spaulding”

Equipment needed: Stop Watch, Weight Bench, a BOSU Ball, light pair of dumbbells, an exercise ball, and some fast club thumbin’ beats.

Warm Up: Take a good 5 minutes and warm up. Suggested spin bike or walk at a high in- cline.

Work Out:  Perform each exercise for 1 minute, then rest 30 seconds. Repeat all the way through for a total of 3 cycles. Rest 1:30 seconds before repeating.

Cardio Session:  End with a 30 minute run, which incorporates 1 tabata cycle at your own pace mid way through.

 Recovery: Foam Roll or stretch with a rope

 App Suggestion for this workout: SimplyTabata (FREE)

Lower Body Interval Workout (once a week for 4 weeks)

 1. Alternating Stand Ups 
 2. Dumbbell Row, Row, Push Up 
 3. Squat Jumps on a weight bench 
 4. Figure 4 push up to side plank (30 seconds each side) 
 5. Glute kickbacks (30 sec. each leg) 
 6. Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl 
 7. Front kick and lunge (30 seconds each leg) 
 8. BOSU squat jumps 

Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise 
Perform each one for 1 minute. 
Rest a total of 1:30 at the end of #8
Repeat all the way through for a total of 3 cycles 

Monday, November 18, 2013

How to get better...READ

I'm not joking when I say it is my therapy. There is something about listening to the beats and sweating that just relieves the stress for that hour of the day. It also puts me in the right spot to deal with all the "stuff," in the day. If you have been following my pictures on Instagram "Trurunner," you have seen my books that I have been reading. I am doing interval training for cardio and that lower intensity time, I pick up the book and read. Even if it is for just 2 minutes, it adds up at the end of the 40-45 minute session. I'm not just reading but trying hard to make the changes in my life. Real changes take place from the inside out. Food tip of the week: Just because it says "gluten-free," doesn't mean it is the better choice. Choose your whole foods like meats, veggies, and fruits first and eat less from the box. You will feel great and your energy will increase. Pray, train, eat, sleep Kima

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Excuses, NO! Just change your perspective.

You can walk into the same place and do the same thing day in and day out. Or you could look at it at a totally different perspective. I choose the second, but it puts you out of your comfort zone. Working out is symbolic of my life. Yes, everyone wants to look good, but that doesn't mean you automatically will feel good on the inside. Shocking I know! Inventing anything new in exercise is a challenge. Lots of people have the same thoughts just a different way of expressing them. Someone told me about this awesome new class out in Chicago. I could have made every excuse, but I researched it and I am doing it at my local gym by myself. Feeling the results and adding in what I personally need. You will probably read this and add your own twist. That's the incredible thing about social media. Use it for the betterment of society. Warm up spin bike 10 minutes. Hamstrings laying and sitting curl. Intervals Abs with weight till I can't go anymore. Dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts light weight 20 reps 5 k race pace for 1 mile. Repeat intervals 3 times Tip:You have to change body composition through BOTH lifting and nutrition. Not just one, that's the everyday challenge. Results: I am at my racing weight, running half of what I do. This is the first for me in all the years I've run. Pray, train, eat, sleep Kima P.S. I pray, but if you don't do something for the soul that you believe helps others.