Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Journey back to Running with Newton Running Shoes

        2010,      2011,    2012,    2013 
Trail (Terra Momentum), Lady Isaac, Distance U, Lady Isaac
Lady Isaac 2011 next to Distance U 2012
Trail 2010 next to Lady Isaac 2011

Distance U 2012 next to Lady Isaac 2013
Lady Isaac after 60 miles 

I have been off enjoying every bit of this sunshine and so when I get asked a question, I do plan on just might take me awhile.  Brief background on where this post is coming from.  Back in 2010 I came back from a serious running injury during a marathon.  With routine visits with a chiropractor and the help of my favorite running store (The Runner's Soul), I am back with full speed ahead.  Please note that I put as much into recovery as I do with my running.  There may be times when I fall short on time, hey no one is perfect.  I by no means am a running coach on natural running. I am a full time mother and a teacher.  I love fitness and I am consistently reading, applying, and finding people along the way who are positive people to have in my life. I don't get hooked on titles, labels, or any hype.  I go for the people who quietly possess the drive that it takes to remain focused and they have truly come to the realization that this IS A lifestyle.

My feet, oh my poor feet...well get over it. It could be a lot worse, so I have made the best out of it and I have the shoe that works for me.  When I pass other Newton runners on the path we always smile, that undefined smile of..."Yes, I am rockin' this run and these Newton Running Shoes are AWESOME!"

Below are my response to some questions that I was asked via email.
1) Have you ever experienced cracking of the plate or any other portion of the outersole or midsole? 
From the pictures above, no.  I have had my trail shoes since 2010 and these made it through marathon training and past.  I still go back to these for runs under 6 miles.  My Distance- U's I was a bit tougher on, so you can see that at that time I was heeling it quite a bit. So, I wore out the left heel.  That is my "odd" foot, so that stands to reason.

2) Have you ever had a pebble or any other debris get lodged in the cracks or crevices? If so, is it difficult to remove? 
The trail shoe is the best for surfaces just like they say, the trail.  I would not recommend the Distance U for the trails.  I have not had any issues with rocks getting stuck.  If it is a slight mist out, I do run a tad slower to avoid any slipping.  The Lady Issac from 2011 I wore last in the rain, so a little dried mud in there.

3) If one has been using natural running techniques routinely, is it still expected that switching to Newtons will require a gradual adjustment period? I don't know what the drop is on my existing shoes, but I bet it's large compared to Newtons to minimalist shoes.  That alone may be the reason to ease into the new pair. 
I came into wearing Newtons to help my mid-foot strike.  I was obviously an over - strider and did not land as much mid- foot.  I was at a good pace pre-Newton Running Shoes, so I didn't think much of it.  I ran my first marathon in 3:48 and  I did all my training by myself, even the 20 miler. I can run a 5K with a 7:03 pace... So.... yes, one can run any way but injury will probably set in and especially with less knowledge at that time about recovery, running form, and Newton Running Shoes.  I just loved running.  I was quite a rookie and still am.  With that in mind, I have attended Newton's running clinics, watched their videos, have seen a running coach, and read Chi- Running and Brain Training, all to help with the "natural running techniques."  I even ran with a metronome to try to get to 180 bpm. My left foot is odd, so I don't know if I all ever truly be able to mid- foot strike.  Wearing the Newton Running Shoe has helped make it much more comfortable to land as much mid- foot as possible.  I came back to do one more marathon in 2011 and I finished it without any injuries and a respectful time, with my Newton Running Shoes. I recommend following Newton's videos on YouTube if you really want to embrace natural running form. Type in "Newton Running," in the search on YouTube.  I believe some people are just built to have it be natural, others like myself really need to find the balance of what works from the program to their body type.

You can actually ask your running store what the drop is on you shoe, since it has become much more "in" to know the heel drop.  I simple think of it as I wouldn't want to run in high heels, but going zero is really extreme, so one ought to be a soft lander for sure!  I think I got that concept from a former Ironman competitor, the high heel analogy.

Yes, I say proceed with patience.  It is easier to increase than to have to decrease due to an injury.

Listen to your body, you will know when it likes it or is rejecting it.

For now I am enjoying my workouts, my recovery, nutrition, and my Newton Running Shoes.

Hope this helps, feel free to add.  I by no means am the know all, be all :) :)

Visit the Newton Running Shoe Website

Happy Running!!

1 comment:

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