Thursday, January 31, 2013

Primal, Paleo, Gluten Free...the list goes on

"Don' let perfection, get in the way of good enough.." Mark Sisson from his book "Primal Living in the Real World."  An incredible website that I was introduced to by an avid CrossFitter.
Primal Living..Paleo

That just struck me being such a highly driven person.  I stopped to think about how many times I fight off negative feelings, because my expectations of myself were not met.  Well, this can be really draining, because someone is going to bother you, think the wrong of you, or take you for is just the way life is.  In reality I need to remind myself "Don't let perfection get in the way of good enough."

Yes, yes I am going to make that my quote of the week. Getting distracted by the other green grass, rather it is a physical goal, an accomplishment, a job, the list goes on and on..can again drain you.  This isn't meant to be a negative blog, but a transparent one.  I am not perfect with this whole health and wellness aspect, nor do I want to be.  Sometimes the worst failures and the worst mistakes have made me a smarter person in the long run. I copied this quote on a sticky note and placed it on my office desk.  Seeking perfection can be a hidden stress.  One knows I keep hearing the cause of all this going on is...STRESS!

You need to let go of some dreams so that other dreams can come true.  You need to let go of that missed workout and make the next one even more intense.  You need to let go of that cheat meal (for me sometimes that tub of peanut butter just won't stay shut) and get back on track.  You need to let go of the fear of not achieving perfection.   Time that has passed won't come back, so we need to embrace each stage even if the perfection isn't apparent.

I hope you let this quote sit in your conscious this week and contemplate what it is that I want to do, regardless if it isn't perfect, but sure would make you happy if you tried.?.?.

My Gluten Free Biscuits on a Monday morning....eating this made my Monday so awesome, because I didn't feel restricted.  Of course I ate enough not to go over 30 carbs for breakfast and I savored each bite and ate my protein first :)
I followed the recipe that was on the package of the Namaste Biscuit Flour

For the 2 tablespoons oil I used coconut oil.
That baked nicely and the source of fat was a good source.
1/3 cup equals 130 cal, 30 carbs, <1 gram sugar and 2 grams fiber

Abe's Market

This is the website my mother and I used to find this line.  Like I mentioned before I am seeing this brand in the local grocery stores and health stores.

By the way I do not sell this brand :) I just like providing you with the information on a place to get it, to try and save you time.

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