Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Exercise A.D.D."

“Exercise A.D.D.”

Last week my workouts were at a very moderate level, just enough to de-stress myself. Now, I am back in the groove and when I wake up I am not as achy. I really listened to my body post- marathon to help reduce over-training or injury. I have found myself back into what I call “exercise a.d.d.” One day I want to do Zumba, next is yoga, then I am lifting heavy back, and swimming. I need to focus and have a goal for fitness. This is how I operate the best in all aspects of my life. My goal now is to see how many different ways can I get into my target heart rate zone and sweat! I still get to have my “exercise a.d.d.’,” but now it is focused. Isn’t that an oxymoron???

I will blog the next month about all the different ways I am training my heart. Truth be known I am as analytical as they come about numbers pertaining to working out. I need my pace, my heart rate, minutes, distance and measuring cups for food! I wish I could be more like my husband who is what I call a “Zen” exerciser. As I would define as one who does not need numbers for motivation. That is one of the reasons why we make the perfect couple. We balance each other out.

Why am I so focused on my heart rate? Well, I am preparing for the winter and my miles per week decrease immensely. When I run I calculate every mile and my pace. It makes me feel like I am accomplishing my goal. Now, I will change that focus into the beats per minute (bpm). Also, condition wise (a.k.a. weight -wise) the colder weather usually brings some additional weight gain. There is a vast amount of information that the beats per minutes provides. I can theoretically calculate if I am in my “fat - burning zone,” (133 bpm) or if I am nearing my true high intensity range (160 bpm). Hence, I know what my body is using for energy. This allows me to remain cardiovascularly fit in the colder weather. Once, again this all just helps me to come back to my passion of running.

There is no other heart rate monitor like Polar. I am a huge advocate for Polar heart rate monitors. I say that because I have tried others and none compare to the user friendliness and reliability of their products. Polar is always at the Physical Education conventions and they are very honest about their products. Check out their link to for more information. NO, I am not endorsed by Polar, but that would be AWESOME! It really is just how I feel.

I am beginning my quest to find how many different ways I can make cardio fun and stay in my zones, like running does for me. What makes it fun for me is if:

  1. It makes me sweat.
  2. At some point in time I get that “ultra- happy” feeling. The “ultra-happy: feeling is described as the “I can take on anything today!” One knows being a mom, a career woman, and in your thirties can bring on some interesting daily obstacles.
  3. It has rockin’ music involved!

On the horizon I have Turbo Fire, Zumba, P.O.W.E.R. Punch Gloves and Spin. I have access to these forms because the equipment or dvd’s are at my house. I REALLY desire to have Turbofire and in order to get it I need to cancel my gym membership. Note in all caps “REALLY,’ so if my husband reads this he can inform the North Pole. It is all about budgeting to stay healthy without going broke. Which that will be a future topic,also.


  1. Sometimes I get the "ultra happy " feeling while working out when I have a set goal I want to accomplish such as losing a couple inches to fit into my favorite pair of jeans

    1. That feeling of accomplishing a goal is what keeps you going!

  2. Happy New Year Mrs. Spaulding!

    I had read this blog post before back in November 2011 and never got the chance to comment on it. How has running in the Winter for you been now since it is cold out? Have your miles per week been increasing or decreasing? I can totally relate to the "budget" of staying healthy. If it were up to me, I would be at a new Fitness Gym on LaGrange Road and 31st Street in Westchester, but with the extra homework that I have been receiving as well as a limited amount of time, getting a gym membership would not be beneficial. Of course I would like to build some muscle and body mass, but it comes down to saving money if I don't have the time and being up to par healthy or budgeting finances and making time to be more than healthy. One thing that I love to do on a daily basis is weight myself in the morning and calculate my Body Mass Index (BMI) on the way to school which is always normal and around 22.6 kg/m^2 for children and teens. I think making time to work out and budgeting should definitely be one of my new years resolution!

    Have a great week!

  3. Truthfully since the October marathon, my running miles have decreased immensely. I have been enjoying other forms of cardio. I wear my heart rate monitor during this and I still keep it in the range and duration I would as if I were running. Since December I started running 3 days a week for 30 minutes. This is very light compared to my 35 plus miles that I have been doing. There is a lot you can do on what I call a "shoe string" budget. Push ups, planks, curl ups, pull ups, stretching are all things you can do without equipment. To let you know the library has videos like Zumba, 10 minute trainer, p90X, Turbo Jam. Search your library in our town, if they do not have it you can still go to other libraries and check out as long as you are in good standing with your town's library. I have been doing this and I love it. I feel so happy when I can save :)

  4. Alright so to start off, I definitely NOT criticizing you in any way possible. I just noticed a few things you noticed you were going to blog about, but have not yet. So I'm kind of reminding you (I went reverse in the blog, I know and I'm sorry. For some reason I didn't feel like reading the newest one, but I'll probably read it soon.) A few things you have/have not blogged about yet include the different things you were going to try to get your heart rate up. Well of course you have mentioned TurboFire, and some Zumba & p90x videos you may have gotten from the library, but do you think you could tell me how you liked them. I know I've tried a p90x video over the summer which was the KenPo (some kicking & punching one), and I also have a Zumba Fitness Wii game, but i've been DYING to try an actual class. Did the videos work out well? (If you've tried them yet, that is.) I really want to check out my library soon and see what videos they may have (if any).

    I was also about to ask how you measure bpm until you mentioned the Polar. You also mentioned a link about that , but there wasn't any on your blog. So where could I possibly check out prices and information on those. I have been looking for ways to know that I'm pushing myself. I mean I know that when I'm sweating and breathing heavy I'm doing something right, but I kind of want to know the "range" that I'm in. I would want to try to stay in a certain phase for a certain amount of time, especially the fat burning phase.

    My personal opinion on running: I hate it. I don't know why but I'm just not that into it and I never have been. I know that cardio is the main important way to burn fat. So I also try to think of other cardio options besides running, but sometimes I do run because I know I have to once in a while. I have also tried to find more entertaining ways to workout because I get bored very easily.

    Uhmmm, that's all I can think of for now.
    Sorry again for skipping backwards.
    Thanks for recommendations and what-not.
    I feel like I'm forgetting to write something, but I'll figure it out sooner or later...
