Monday, June 11, 2012

Rice Noodles as Baked Lasagna

Pampered Chef "Brownie Pan"
It takes me a while to grocery shop, because I am always reading the labels.  I have learned that just because the package promotes healthy it isn't always.  My new addition to my bakeware is through my mother.  I have added the Pampered Chef "Brownie Pan."  There is a wide variety of recipes besides brownies.  Here is what I made with these ingredients.

* Lasagna (Brown Rice Pasta) Noodles
* Organic tomato sauce
* Mushrooms

(Seldom do we eat dairy and the noodles that I selected were wheat free/gluten free.  The only ingredients in the noodles are:
brown rice, rice bran and water)

I am a simple cook.  So here are the steps in a simplified way: 
1. Cook the noodles until desired texture in boiling water.
2. Drain and rinse with cool water.
3. Layer in this pattern
tomato sauce, noodles, mushrooms, tomato sauce, noodles, tomato  sauce.
4. Bake in the oven on 350 for 20 minutes.

The reason I like the brownie pan is that you can make each on individually. In the photo the two without sauce on top are mine, because I like a little less sauce.

I like to keep our healthy eating recipes simple and easy to make.  Yet, it taste delicious.

What do you think I could try in this brownie pan?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Spaulding,

    I am glad to know someone else who takes a while to grocery shop because they are always reading the nutrition facts labels. I used to scream and throw fits when my mother would be slowly moving down an aisle picking up every food product and reading the back of the package. It’s always great when we can analyze something that other people don’t really pay much attention to – it makes us feel smart and gain more knowledge. I have never had organic tomato sauce and would figure that it would be healthier than the Ragu that my grandmother buys from our local grocery store. Love, love, love reading your blog! I will definitely be looking forward to reading your blog posts while I am in college studying food science and human nutrition. You and Mr. Spaulding motivate me in positive ways and I am glad that whenever I am feeling down, I can visit your blog to be uplifted.

    Have a great week and thanks for being an inspirational mentor!

