“Give, Barter, and Share...”
Sometimes I feel over whelmed by all of the organizations, causes, and groups I could join. But then on the opposite side I am encouraged, because there are numerous people out there who care and want to do good in the world. It is just how does one decide where to put their time? I have come to the place where I ask if it fits into my priority list than it is a “yes,” for me. What??? By that I mean I am able to do it without taking away too much time from my family and I can do it at a low cost. That is what drew me to blogging. I can write when my children are sleeping and my blog is free to write. It is exciting to meet other people who are just was enthusiastic about blogging and technology as I am.
One of my favorite t.v. characters is “Carrie” she is a writer, but does not live this glamours life for following her passion. I think one can get driven by the status and prestige that their gifts can bring. If you really search the meaning of the “why,” and how it can enhance others life’s, then more fulfillment occurs. My philosophy has been “give, barter, and share.” Being that fitness, health and wellness are my passions I get a lot of questions and requests. It is always that odd feeling I get when someone asks about fees or cost. I have a career that provides for my family (and it is my dream career) and I am not one who needs excess in their life. This is how I came to my philosophy over the years.
Some of the most fun times have come from bartering and sharing. For example, my cousin asked my help with some exercises. I came up with a video for some of my favorite exercises and shared it with her. She was very sweet and did my hair and even put high lights in it. This meant a lot because I am not one to spend more than a hair cut on my hair. We shared lots of memories as she did my hair and I was thankful for her sharing her gift with me. Over the summer I trained a girl who was going back to college and in our barter system she babysat for us. My husband and I got to enjoy a weekly date night and my children just fell in love with having her come over. Recently, I have had the opportunity to meet some people in my profession who enjoy sharing. When teachers share, it impacts our students. When this happens our society changes in a positive way. There are teachers out there who give extra, just for the enjoyment to see the positive changes in their students. This always brings a new kind of energy to try something new, which allows you to grow as people and professionals.
I did not come up with philosophy by myself. I just reflected on my life and how I got to be where I am at. I have fulfilled many dreams, because of the people who were willing to give, barter, and share with me through out my life. I have had people who shared their knowledge with me on how to lift, to do a fitness routine, about teaching the list goes on, but never asked me to pay, because they too loved the philosophy of “give, barter, share.”
I am sure if you thought of what you could give to someone, what you could barter or share, you too will find happiness in that....People come into our lives for a reason and you come into theirs for reason, makes you smile to think of that, right?